Portable Mail icon

Portable Mail

How to install

Drag Portable Mail folder to your portable device, USB thumb drive, iPod, portable hard drive, memory card, other portable device (also to your internal hard disk) as long as it has enough free space (at least 1Mb). The amount of space needed depends from size of your Preferences folder (see Copy local preferences).

Portable Mail background dmg screenshot

Running Portable Mail

Requires OS X 10.4.2 or later.
Double click on Portable Mail icon will open a local copy of Mail using Preferences stored on your portable drive. A pop up window inform you that Portable Mail open and quit with success.

Open OK popup window Quit OK popup window

Only one copy of Mail can be run at a time.

If a local copy of Mail is running a window alert you. Clicking OK button will quit Portable Mail allowing you to quit running Mail. When local copy of Mail is closed you can reopen Portable Mail.

Already running alert window