
Portable Safari
Download Portable Safari application
You can download Portable
Safari application with a minimum amount of $0.99 or donating more:
PortableSafari.dmg - 344KB (Current release: 1.3.1 - 13 Nov, 2006)
Requires OS X 10.4.2 or later. NOT LION COMPATIBLE.
Change log
r1.3.1 (13 Nov. 2006)
- Bug fix release fixing cookies portability.
r1.3 (Oct. 2006)
- First public release
- 10.4.2 OS X version check.
- Quit application already running.
- Can't be launched on a locked volume.
- Can select custom application path if is not in default Applications folder.
- If desired can copy local preferences to portable drive.
- Check portable drive space available.
- Growl style notification windows.
- Automatic restore of local preferences after system crash.
Dowload Portable Safari script source
You can dowload Portable
Safari script source from sourceforge.net and then wrap application yourself.
You also need Platypus and CocoaDialog.
Requires OS X 10.4.2 or later. NOT LION COMPATIBLE.
Portable Safari script source code
#!/bin/sh -x
# Portable Safari
# $Revision: 1.3.1
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms
# of the following license
# - GNU General Public License Version 2.1
# Carlo Gandolfi, October 2006
# GNU General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2006 by Carlo Gandolfi (cgand@users.sourceforge.net)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
# Reset PATH
export PATH
upl="$userplist $userplist2"
# ========================================================
# CDokmessage
# CocoaDialog Ok/Cancel message box
# $1 "text"
# $2 "informative text"
# $3 "--no-cancel" = don't show a cancel button
# ========================================================
function CDokmessage {
"$CD" ok-msgbox --icon-file "$appicon" \
--text "$1" --informative-text "$2" "$3"
function CDokmessagec {
"$CD" ok-msgbox --icon-file "$cautionicon" \
--text "$1" --informative-text "$2" "$3"
function beep {
/usr/bin/osascript << EOT
tell application "Finder"
end tell
# ========================================================
# bsd_command_check
# Check that the required BSD command are installed
# ========================================================
function command_check_msg {
message1="One or more *BSD commands* to run Portable $appid were not found on \
this machine. You must install the BSD Subsystem package that is in the \
following folder on disk 1 of your Mac OS X installation DVD:\n/Welcome to Mac \
OS X/Optional Installs.\n\nNow quit."
button=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "$message1" buttons {"Quit"} \
with icon caution default button "Quit"
set result to button returned of result
end tell
if test "$button" == "Quit"; then # Quit application
exit 112
function bsd_command_check { # written by Patrick Luby
commands="awk cp defaults diskutil echo grep ln mkfifo mkdir mv plutil ps rm sed sleep touch"
for i in $commands ; do
if [ ! -x "/usr/bin/$i" -a ! -x "/bin/$i" -a ! -x "/usr/sbin/$i" -a ! -x "/sbin/$i" ] ; then
# Return 96 + 16 if a command is not found
exit 112;
# ========================================================
# osx_version_check
# Check that the user is running Mac OS X 10.4.2 or higher
# ========================================================
function version_check_msg {
message1="You are running OS X version $version.\n\
Portable $appid can only be opened on Mac OS X 10.4.2 or higher."
button=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "$message1" buttons {"Quit"} \
with icon caution default button "Quit"
set result to button returned of result
end tell
if test "$button" == "Quit"; then # Quit application
exit 113
function osx_version_check { # written by Patrick Luby
if [ -x "/usr/bin/sw_vers" ] ; then
# Return 96 + 17 if it is a bad version
version=`/usr/bin/sw_vers | grep '^ProductVersion:' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
case "$version" in
10.[01234]) version_check_msg ; exit 113;;
10.[01234].[01]) version_check_msg ; exit 113;;
# ========================================================
# quitapp
# Check if local app is open and quit
# ========================================================
function quitapp {
if ps cx | grep '[0-9] '"$appid"'$' > /dev/null; then
rv=` CDokmessage "$appid is already running on this system" \
"Only one copy can be run at a time. \
Quit runnig $appid and reopen Portable $appid." "--no-cancel" `
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then # Quit application
exit 0
# ========================================================
# checkapppath
# Check if $appid is in /Application folder
# ========================================================
function select_app {
rvf=` "$CD" fileselect --title "Open $appid" --text "Please select $appid" \
--with-directory /Applications --with-extensions .app `
if [ -x "$rvf/Contents/MacOS/$appid" ] ; then
apppath="$rvf"; export apppath
rv=` CDokmessagec "$appid not selected" "Sorry you have not choose \
$appid. You have selected \"$rvf\". Try again?" `
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then
exit 0
function checkapppath {
if [ ! -x "/Applications/$appid.app/Contents/MacOS/$appid" ] ; then
rv=` CDokmessagec "$appid not found" \
"$appid is not in default \"/Application\" folder. \
Locate $appid to open it." `
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then
exit 0
# ========================================================
# repair
# Repair preferences if Portable Application crashed
# ========================================================
function restore {
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$HOME/$i" "$HOME/$i.old"
mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$i"
if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$userpref" "$userpref.old"
mv "$userpref.pabu" "$userpref"
function restorepabu {
if [ -f "$HOME/$userplist" ] || \
[ -f "$HOME/$userplist2" ] || \
[ -d "$userpref" ] ; then
removemsg="Portable $appid has not restored local preferences back-up. \
Local preferences already exists. You are now restoring preferences back-up \
renaming existing as $appid.old."
removemsg="Portable $appid has not restored local preference back-up. \
You are now restoring them."
rv=` CDokmessagec "Restore local preferences back-up" "$removemsg" `
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
if restore ; then
CDokmessage "$appid Preferences back-up Restore done" \
"Local $appid preferences back-up restored with success." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null
CDokmessagec "$appid Preferences back-up Restore error" \
"Local $appid preferences back-up can't be restored. Now quit." "--no-cancel" \
> /dev/null
exit 0
elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then
function copy {
rm -rf "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/"
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then
mkdir -p "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$userplistbase"
mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$i"
if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then
mkdir -p "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$userprefbase"
mv "$userpref.pabu" \
"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$userprefbase/$appid"
cp "$p_userbase/CopyPrefBU_ReadMe.txt" "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/ReadMe.txt"
function copypabu {
rv=` CDokmessagec "Copy local preferences back-up" \
"Portable $appid has not restored local preference back-up. \
You are now copying them to \"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/\" folder." `
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
if copy ; then
CDokmessage "$appid Preferences back-up Copy done" "Preferences \
back-up copied to \"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/\" folder with success." \
"--no-cancel" > /dev/null
CDokmessagec "$appid Preferences back-up Copy error" "Preferences \
back-up can't be copied to \"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/\" folder. Now quit." \
"--no-cancel" > /dev/null
exit 0
elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then
function repair {
if [ -d "$usercache.pabu" ] ; then
rm -rf "$usercache.pabu" # Delete backup cache
if [ -h "$userpref" ] ; then
rm -f "$userpref" # Delete symlink
if [ -f "$HOME/$userplist.pabu" ] || \
[ -f "$HOME/$userplist2.pabu" ] || \
[ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then
text2="Local $appid preferences back-up not restored"
informativetext2="A temporary back-up of local $appid preferences \
still exist, Portable $appid crashed without restoring this back-up. You can \
Restore local preferences back-up now or Copy to \""$HOME/$appid" BackUp\" \
folder to manually restore later."
rv=`"$CD" msgbox --icon-file "$cautionicon" \
--text "$text2" --informative-text "$informativetext2" \
--button1 "Restore" --button2 "Copy"`
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then
# ========================================================
# system_crash_repair
# Repair pabu preferences after system crash
# ========================================================
function add_launchagents {
if [ ! -d "$lagents" ] ; then
mkdir "$lagents"
sed -e 's|${HOME}|'"$HOME|g" \
-e 's|${appid}|'"$appid|g" "$p_userbase/$scrplist" > "$lagents/$scrappplist"
function del_launchagents {
if [ -f "$lagents/$scrappplist" ] ; then
rm -f "$lagents/$scrappplist"
# copy system crash repair from portable $appid to $HOME
function copy_scr {
cp -R "$scrapppath" "$HOME/.$scrapp"
# delete system crash repair from $HOME
function del_scr {
rm -rf "$HOME/.$scrapp"
# ========================================================
# check_p_asf
# Check and create Portable Application Support folders
# ========================================================
function check_p_asf {
readonly=`diskutil info "$p_userbase" | grep "Read Only" | awk '{ print $3 }'`
if [ "$readonly" = Yes ]; then
CDokmessagec "Portable $appid is on a locked volume" "Portable $appid can't \
be opened on a locked volume. Now quit." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null
exit 0
if [ ! -d "$p_userpref" ] ; then
mkdir -p "$p_userpref"
if [ ! -d "$p_userbase/$userplistbase" ] ; then
mkdir -p "$p_userbase/$userplistbase"
if [ ! -d "$p_userbase/$usercookiesbase" ] ; then
mkdir -p "$p_userbase/$usercookiesbase"
# ========================================================
# bu/recover preference
# BackUp existing preference and restore portable ones
# ========================================================
function bu_plist {
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$HOME/$i" ] ; then
mv "$HOME/$i" "$HOME/$i.pabu"
function recover_plist {
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$i"
rm -f "$HOME/$i"
function recover_p_plist {
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$p_userbase/$i" ] ; then
cp "$p_userbase/$i" "$HOME/$i"
function bu_p_plist {
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$HOME/$i" ] ; then
cp "$HOME/$i" "$p_userbase/$i"
# ========================================================
# copy_local_pref
# Copy local preferences to Portable Application
# ========================================================
function runcopypref { # written by Kevin Hendricks
rm -f /tmp/hpipe
mkfifo /tmp/hpipe
"$CD" progressbar --indeterminate --title "Copying $appid Preferences" \
--text "Copying \"$userpref\". Please wait..." < /tmp/hpipe &
exec 3<> /tmp/hpipe
echo -n . >&3
# do all of your work here
cp -R "$userpref" "$p_userpref"
exec 3>&-
rm -f /tmp/hpipe
function check_asf {
if [ -d "$p_userpref" ] ; then
# delete p_userpref if it still exist
rm -Rf "$p_userpref"
mkdir -p "$p_userpref"
# copy Preferences Folder
function copy_pf {
userprefsize=`du -hc "$userpref" | cut -f1 | tail -1`
freesize=`df -h "$p_userbase" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
buserprefsize=`du -c "$userpref" | cut -f1 | tail -1`
bfreesize=`df "$p_userbase" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
if [ $buserprefsize -lt $bfreesize ] ; then
rv=` CDokmessage "Copy $appid Preferences" \
"Your $appid Preferences are $userprefsize. \
You have $freesize available. Copy to Portable $appid?" `
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
if check_asf ; bu_p_plist ; runcopypref ; then
touch -f "$copy_pref"
"$CD" bubble --title "$appid Preferences copied" --text "Local \
$appid Preferences copied to Portable $appid with success." \
--icon-file "$appicon"
"$CD" bubble --title "$appid Preferences copy error" \
--text "An error occurred copying $appid Preferences to Portable $appid." \
--icon-file "$cautionicon"
CDokmessagec "No space to copy $appid Preferences" \
"Your $appid Preferences are $userprefsize. \
You have $freesize available. There is no enough space. Portable $appid will \
open without copy existing $appid Preferences." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null
function copy_local_pref {
if [ ! -f "$copy_pref" ] && [ -d "$userpref" ] ; then
text="Copy Preferences"
informativetext="Copy the existing $appid Preferences \
on this system to Portable $appid?"
rv=`"$CD" msgbox --no-newline --icon-file "$appicon" \
--text "$text" --informative-text "$informativetext" \
--button1 "Copy" --button2 "Don't Copy" --button3 "Never"`
if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then
elif [ "$rv" == "3" ] ; then
touch -f "$copy_pref"
# ========================================================
# bu/recover asf
# BackUp existing Application Support Folder and restore portable ones
# ========================================================
function bu_asf {
if [ -d "$userpref" ] ; then
mv "$userpref" "$userpref.pabu"
function recover_asf {
if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$userpref.pabu" "$userpref"
function recover_p_asf {
ln -s "$p_userpref" "$userpref"
function bu_p_asf {
if [ -h "$userpref" ] ; then
rm -rf "$userpref"
# ========================================================
# bu/recover cache
# BackUp existing cache
# ========================================================
function bu_cache {
if [ -d "$usercache" ] ; then
mv "$usercache" "$usercache.pabu"
function recover_cache {
if [ -d "$usercache.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$usercache.pabu" "$usercache"
function remove_p_cache {
if [ -d "$usercache" ] ; then
rm -rf "$usercache"
# ========================================================
# run
# Open Portable Application
# ========================================================
function run_app {
# ========================================================
# open_p_app
# Run Portable Application setup
# ========================================================
function set_p_app {
copy_scr # Copy System Crash Restore app
add_launchagents # Add LaunchAgents plist file
bu_plist # Backup of existing preference
bu_asf # Backup existing Application Support folder
bu_cache # Backup exixting Cache folder
recover_p_plist # Recover portable preference
recover_p_asf # Recover portable Application Support folder
function close_p_app {
bu_p_plist # Backup portable preference
bu_p_asf # Backup portable Application Support folder
remove_p_cache # Remove portable cache
recover_plist # Restore existing preference
recover_asf # Restore portable Application Support folder
recover_cache # Restore existing cache
del_launchagents # Delete LaunchAgents .plist file
del_scr # Delete System Crash Restore app
function open_p_app {
if set_p_app ; then
"$CD" bubble --title "Portable $appid setup ok" --text "Portable \
$appid open with success." --icon-file "$appicon" &
CDokmessagec "Portable $appid setup error" \
"An error occour while opening portable preferences. Now quit." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null
exit 0
run_app # Run application with external drive prefs
if close_p_app ; then
"$CD" bubble --title "Portable $appid quit" --text "Portable \
$appid quit with success." --icon-file "$appicon" &
CDokmessagec "Portable $appid quit error" \
"An error occur while restoring local preferences. \
Try to reopen Portable $appid to fix the problem." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null
exit 0
Portable_Safari_scr.app script source code
#!/bin/sh -x
# Portable Safari scr (system crash restore)
# $Revision: 1.2
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms
# of the following license
# - GNU General Public License Version 2.1
# Carlo Gandolfi, October 2006
# GNU General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2006 by Carlo Gandolfi (cgand@users.sourceforge.net)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
# Reset PATH
export PATH
upl="$userplist $userplist2"
function bu_p_asf {
if [ -h "$userpref" ] ; then
rm -rf "$userpref"
function remove_p_cache {
if [ -d "$usercache" ] ; then
rm -rf "$usercache"
function recover_plist {
for i in $upl ; do
if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$i"
rm -f "$HOME/$i"
function recover_asf {
if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$userpref.pabu" "$userpref"
function recover_cache {
if [ -d "$usercache.pabu" ] ; then
mv "$usercache.pabu" "$usercache"
function del_launchagents {
if [ -f "$lagents/$scrappplist" ] ; then
rm -f "$lagents/$scrappplist"
function del_scr {
sleep 1; rm -rf "$HOME/.$scrapp"
function close_p_app {
bu_p_asf # Backup portable Application Support folder
remove_p_cache # Remove portable cache
recover_plist # Restore existing preference
recover_asf # Restore portable Application Support folder
recover_cache # Restore existing cache
del_launchagents # Delete LaunchAgents .plist file
del_scr # Delete System Crash Restore app
exit 0
Download Portable Safari application
You can download Portable Safari application with a minimum amount of $0.99 or donating more:-
PortableSafari.dmg - 344KB (Current release: 1.3.1 - 13 Nov, 2006)
Change log
r1.3.1 (13 Nov. 2006)
- Bug fix release fixing cookies portability.
r1.3 (Oct. 2006)
- First public release
- 10.4.2 OS X version check.
- Quit application already running.
- Can't be launched on a locked volume.
- Can select custom application path if is not in default Applications folder.
- If desired can copy local preferences to portable drive.
- Check portable drive space available.
- Growl style notification windows.
- Automatic restore of local preferences after system crash.
Dowload Portable Safari script source
You can dowload Portable
Safari script source from sourceforge.net and then wrap application yourself.You also need Platypus and CocoaDialog.
Requires OS X 10.4.2 or later. NOT LION COMPATIBLE.
Portable Safari script source code
#!/bin/sh -x ########################################################################## # # Portable Safari # $Revision: 1.3.1 # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms # of the following license # # - GNU General Public License Version 2.1 # # Carlo Gandolfi, October 2006 # # GNU General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2006 by Carlo Gandolfi (cgand@users.sourceforge.net) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # ########################################################################## # Reset PATH PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin export PATH appurl=com.apple.Safari.plist appurl2=Cookies.plist appid=Safari apppath="/Applications/$appid.app" userplistbase="Library/Preferences" usercookiesbase="Library/Cookies" userplist="$userplistbase/$appurl" userplist2="$usercookiesbase/$appurl2" upl="$userplist $userplist2" userprefbase="Library" userpref="$HOME/$userprefbase/$appid" usercachebase="$HOME/Library/Caches" usercache="$usercachebase/$appid" lagents="$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents" p_userbase="$1/Contents/Resources" p_userplist="$p_userbase/$userplistbase/$appurl" p_userpref="$p_userbase/$userprefbase/$appid" copy_pref="$p_userbase/CopyPref_Done" CD="$p_userbase/CocoaDialog.app/Contents/MacOS/CocoaDialog" appicon="$p_userbase/appIcon.icns" cautionicon="$p_userbase/P_${appid}_Caution.icns" scrapp="Portable_${appid}_scr.app" scrapppath="$p_userbase/$scrapp" scrplist='org.FreeSMUG.Portable_scr.plist' scrappplist="org.FreeSMUG.Portable_${appid}_scr.plist" # ======================================================== # CDokmessage # CocoaDialog Ok/Cancel message box # $1 "text" # $2 "informative text" # $3 "--no-cancel" = don't show a cancel button # ======================================================== function CDokmessage { beep "$CD" ok-msgbox --icon-file "$appicon" \ --text "$1" --informative-text "$2" "$3" } function CDokmessagec { beep "$CD" ok-msgbox --icon-file "$cautionicon" \ --text "$1" --informative-text "$2" "$3" } function beep { /usr/bin/osascript << EOT tell application "Finder" beep end tell EOT } # ======================================================== # bsd_command_check # Check that the required BSD command are installed # ======================================================== function command_check_msg { message1="One or more *BSD commands* to run Portable $appid were not found on \ this machine. You must install the BSD Subsystem package that is in the \ following folder on disk 1 of your Mac OS X installation DVD:\n/Welcome to Mac \ OS X/Optional Installs.\n\nNow quit." button=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT tell application "Finder" beep display dialog "$message1" buttons {"Quit"} \ with icon caution default button "Quit" set result to button returned of result end tell EOT` if test "$button" == "Quit"; then # Quit application exit 112 fi } function bsd_command_check { # written by Patrick Luby commands="awk cp defaults diskutil echo grep ln mkfifo mkdir mv plutil ps rm sed sleep touch" for i in $commands ; do if [ ! -x "/usr/bin/$i" -a ! -x "/bin/$i" -a ! -x "/usr/sbin/$i" -a ! -x "/sbin/$i" ] ; then # Return 96 + 16 if a command is not found command_check_msg; exit 112; fi done } # ======================================================== # osx_version_check # Check that the user is running Mac OS X 10.4.2 or higher # ======================================================== function version_check_msg { message1="You are running OS X version $version.\n\ Portable $appid can only be opened on Mac OS X 10.4.2 or higher." button=`/usr/bin/osascript << EOT tell application "Finder" beep display dialog "$message1" buttons {"Quit"} \ with icon caution default button "Quit" set result to button returned of result end tell EOT` if test "$button" == "Quit"; then # Quit application exit 113 fi } function osx_version_check { # written by Patrick Luby if [ -x "/usr/bin/sw_vers" ] ; then # Return 96 + 17 if it is a bad version version=`/usr/bin/sw_vers | grep '^ProductVersion:' | awk '{ print $2 }'` case "$version" in 10.[01234]) version_check_msg ; exit 113;; 10.[01234].[01]) version_check_msg ; exit 113;; esac fi } # ======================================================== # quitapp # Check if local app is open and quit # ======================================================== function quitapp { if ps cx | grep '[0-9] '"$appid"'$' > /dev/null; then rv=` CDokmessage "$appid is already running on this system" \ "Only one copy can be run at a time. \ Quit runnig $appid and reopen Portable $appid." "--no-cancel" ` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then # Quit application exit 0 fi fi } # ======================================================== # checkapppath # Check if $appid is in /Application folder # ======================================================== function select_app { rvf=` "$CD" fileselect --title "Open $appid" --text "Please select $appid" \ --with-directory /Applications --with-extensions .app ` if [ -x "$rvf/Contents/MacOS/$appid" ] ; then apppath="$rvf"; export apppath else rv=` CDokmessagec "$appid not selected" "Sorry you have not choose \ $appid. You have selected \"$rvf\". Try again?" ` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then select_app elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then exit 0 fi fi } function checkapppath { if [ ! -x "/Applications/$appid.app/Contents/MacOS/$appid" ] ; then rv=` CDokmessagec "$appid not found" \ "$appid is not in default \"/Application\" folder. \ Locate $appid to open it." ` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then select_app elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then exit 0 fi fi } # ======================================================== # repair # Repair preferences if Portable Application crashed # ======================================================== function restore { for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then mv "$HOME/$i" "$HOME/$i.old" mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$i" fi done if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then mv "$userpref" "$userpref.old" mv "$userpref.pabu" "$userpref" fi } function restorepabu { if [ -f "$HOME/$userplist" ] || \ [ -f "$HOME/$userplist2" ] || \ [ -d "$userpref" ] ; then removemsg="Portable $appid has not restored local preferences back-up. \ Local preferences already exists. You are now restoring preferences back-up \ renaming existing as $appid.old." else removemsg="Portable $appid has not restored local preference back-up. \ You are now restoring them." fi rv=` CDokmessagec "Restore local preferences back-up" "$removemsg" ` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then if restore ; then CDokmessage "$appid Preferences back-up Restore done" \ "Local $appid preferences back-up restored with success." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null else CDokmessagec "$appid Preferences back-up Restore error" \ "Local $appid preferences back-up can't be restored. Now quit." "--no-cancel" \ > /dev/null exit 0 fi elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then repair fi } function copy { rm -rf "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/" for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then mkdir -p "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$userplistbase" mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$i" fi done if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then mkdir -p "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$userprefbase" mv "$userpref.pabu" \ "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/$userprefbase/$appid" fi cp "$p_userbase/CopyPrefBU_ReadMe.txt" "$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/ReadMe.txt" } function copypabu { rv=` CDokmessagec "Copy local preferences back-up" \ "Portable $appid has not restored local preference back-up. \ You are now copying them to \"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/\" folder." ` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then if copy ; then CDokmessage "$appid Preferences back-up Copy done" "Preferences \ back-up copied to \"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/\" folder with success." \ "--no-cancel" > /dev/null else CDokmessagec "$appid Preferences back-up Copy error" "Preferences \ back-up can't be copied to \"$HOME/$appid Pref BackUp/\" folder. Now quit." \ "--no-cancel" > /dev/null exit 0 fi elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then repair fi } function repair { if [ -d "$usercache.pabu" ] ; then rm -rf "$usercache.pabu" # Delete backup cache fi if [ -h "$userpref" ] ; then rm -f "$userpref" # Delete symlink fi if [ -f "$HOME/$userplist.pabu" ] || \ [ -f "$HOME/$userplist2.pabu" ] || \ [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then beep text2="Local $appid preferences back-up not restored" informativetext2="A temporary back-up of local $appid preferences \ still exist, Portable $appid crashed without restoring this back-up. You can \ Restore local preferences back-up now or Copy to \""$HOME/$appid" BackUp\" \ folder to manually restore later." rv=`"$CD" msgbox --icon-file "$cautionicon" \ --text "$text2" --informative-text "$informativetext2" \ --button1 "Restore" --button2 "Copy"` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then restorepabu elif [ "$rv" == "2" ] ; then copypabu fi fi } # ======================================================== # system_crash_repair # Repair pabu preferences after system crash # ======================================================== function add_launchagents { if [ ! -d "$lagents" ] ; then mkdir "$lagents" fi sed -e 's|${HOME}|'"$HOME|g" \ -e 's|${appid}|'"$appid|g" "$p_userbase/$scrplist" > "$lagents/$scrappplist" } function del_launchagents { if [ -f "$lagents/$scrappplist" ] ; then rm -f "$lagents/$scrappplist" fi } # copy system crash repair from portable $appid to $HOME function copy_scr { cp -R "$scrapppath" "$HOME/.$scrapp" } # delete system crash repair from $HOME function del_scr { rm -rf "$HOME/.$scrapp" } # ======================================================== # check_p_asf # Check and create Portable Application Support folders # ======================================================== function check_p_asf { readonly=`diskutil info "$p_userbase" | grep "Read Only" | awk '{ print $3 }'` if [ "$readonly" = Yes ]; then CDokmessagec "Portable $appid is on a locked volume" "Portable $appid can't \ be opened on a locked volume. Now quit." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null exit 0 else if [ ! -d "$p_userpref" ] ; then mkdir -p "$p_userpref" fi if [ ! -d "$p_userbase/$userplistbase" ] ; then mkdir -p "$p_userbase/$userplistbase" fi if [ ! -d "$p_userbase/$usercookiesbase" ] ; then mkdir -p "$p_userbase/$usercookiesbase" fi fi } # ======================================================== # bu/recover preference # BackUp existing preference and restore portable ones # ======================================================== function bu_plist { for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$HOME/$i" ] ; then mv "$HOME/$i" "$HOME/$i.pabu" fi done } function recover_plist { for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$i" else rm -f "$HOME/$i" fi done } function recover_p_plist { for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$p_userbase/$i" ] ; then cp "$p_userbase/$i" "$HOME/$i" fi done } function bu_p_plist { for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$HOME/$i" ] ; then cp "$HOME/$i" "$p_userbase/$i" fi done } # ======================================================== # copy_local_pref # Copy local preferences to Portable Application # ======================================================== function runcopypref { # written by Kevin Hendricks rm -f /tmp/hpipe mkfifo /tmp/hpipe "$CD" progressbar --indeterminate --title "Copying $appid Preferences" \ --text "Copying \"$userpref\". Please wait..." < /tmp/hpipe & exec 3<> /tmp/hpipe echo -n . >&3 # do all of your work here cp -R "$userpref" "$p_userpref" exec 3>&- wait rm -f /tmp/hpipe } function check_asf { if [ -d "$p_userpref" ] ; then # delete p_userpref if it still exist rm -Rf "$p_userpref" else mkdir -p "$p_userpref" fi } # copy Preferences Folder function copy_pf { userprefsize=`du -hc "$userpref" | cut -f1 | tail -1` freesize=`df -h "$p_userbase" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'` buserprefsize=`du -c "$userpref" | cut -f1 | tail -1` bfreesize=`df "$p_userbase" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'` if [ $buserprefsize -lt $bfreesize ] ; then rv=` CDokmessage "Copy $appid Preferences" \ "Your $appid Preferences are $userprefsize. \ You have $freesize available. Copy to Portable $appid?" ` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then if check_asf ; bu_p_plist ; runcopypref ; then touch -f "$copy_pref" "$CD" bubble --title "$appid Preferences copied" --text "Local \ $appid Preferences copied to Portable $appid with success." \ --icon-file "$appicon" else "$CD" bubble --title "$appid Preferences copy error" \ --text "An error occurred copying $appid Preferences to Portable $appid." \ --icon-file "$cautionicon" fi fi else CDokmessagec "No space to copy $appid Preferences" \ "Your $appid Preferences are $userprefsize. \ You have $freesize available. There is no enough space. Portable $appid will \ open without copy existing $appid Preferences." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null fi } function copy_local_pref { if [ ! -f "$copy_pref" ] && [ -d "$userpref" ] ; then beep text="Copy Preferences" informativetext="Copy the existing $appid Preferences \ on this system to Portable $appid?" rv=`"$CD" msgbox --no-newline --icon-file "$appicon" \ --text "$text" --informative-text "$informativetext" \ --button1 "Copy" --button2 "Don't Copy" --button3 "Never"` if [ "$rv" == "1" ] ; then copy_pf elif [ "$rv" == "3" ] ; then touch -f "$copy_pref" fi fi } # ======================================================== # bu/recover asf # BackUp existing Application Support Folder and restore portable ones # ======================================================== function bu_asf { if [ -d "$userpref" ] ; then mv "$userpref" "$userpref.pabu" fi } function recover_asf { if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then mv "$userpref.pabu" "$userpref" fi } function recover_p_asf { ln -s "$p_userpref" "$userpref" } function bu_p_asf { if [ -h "$userpref" ] ; then rm -rf "$userpref" fi } # ======================================================== # bu/recover cache # BackUp existing cache # ======================================================== function bu_cache { if [ -d "$usercache" ] ; then mv "$usercache" "$usercache.pabu" fi } function recover_cache { if [ -d "$usercache.pabu" ] ; then mv "$usercache.pabu" "$usercache" fi } function remove_p_cache { if [ -d "$usercache" ] ; then rm -rf "$usercache" fi } # ======================================================== # run # Open Portable Application # ======================================================== function run_app { "$apppath/Contents/MacOS/$appid" } # ======================================================== # open_p_app # Run Portable Application setup # ======================================================== function set_p_app { copy_scr # Copy System Crash Restore app add_launchagents # Add LaunchAgents plist file bu_plist # Backup of existing preference bu_asf # Backup existing Application Support folder bu_cache # Backup exixting Cache folder recover_p_plist # Recover portable preference recover_p_asf # Recover portable Application Support folder } function close_p_app { bu_p_plist # Backup portable preference bu_p_asf # Backup portable Application Support folder remove_p_cache # Remove portable cache recover_plist # Restore existing preference recover_asf # Restore portable Application Support folder recover_cache # Restore existing cache del_launchagents # Delete LaunchAgents .plist file del_scr # Delete System Crash Restore app } function open_p_app { if set_p_app ; then "$CD" bubble --title "Portable $appid setup ok" --text "Portable \ $appid open with success." --icon-file "$appicon" & else CDokmessagec "Portable $appid setup error" \ "An error occour while opening portable preferences. Now quit." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null close_p_app exit 0 fi run_app # Run application with external drive prefs if close_p_app ; then "$CD" bubble --title "Portable $appid quit" --text "Portable \ $appid quit with success." --icon-file "$appicon" & else CDokmessagec "Portable $appid quit error" \ "An error occur while restoring local preferences. \ Try to reopen Portable $appid to fix the problem." "--no-cancel" > /dev/null fi } bsd_command_check osx_version_check quitapp checkapppath repair check_p_asf copy_local_pref open_p_app exit 0
Portable_Safari_scr.app script source code
#!/bin/sh -x ########################################################################## # # Portable Safari scr (system crash restore) # $Revision: 1.2 # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms # of the following license # # - GNU General Public License Version 2.1 # # Carlo Gandolfi, October 2006 # # GNU General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2006 by Carlo Gandolfi (cgand@users.sourceforge.net) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # ########################################################################## # Reset PATH PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin export PATH appurl=com.apple.Safari.plist appurl2=Cookies.plist appid=Safari userplistbase="Library/Preferences" usercookiesbase="Library/Cookies" userplist="$userplistbase/$appurl" userplist2="$usercookiesbase/$appurl2" upl="$userplist $userplist2" userprefbase="Library" userpref="$HOME/$userprefbase/$appid" usercachebase="$HOME/Library/Caches" usercache="$usercachebase/$appid" lagents="$HOME/Library/LaunchAgents" scrapp="Portable_${appid}_scr.app" scrappplist="org.FreeSMUG.Portable_${appid}_scr.plist" function bu_p_asf { if [ -h "$userpref" ] ; then rm -rf "$userpref" fi } function remove_p_cache { if [ -d "$usercache" ] ; then rm -rf "$usercache" fi } function recover_plist { for i in $upl ; do if [ -f "$HOME/$i.pabu" ] ; then mv "$HOME/$i.pabu" "$HOME/$i" else rm -f "$HOME/$i" fi done } function recover_asf { if [ -d "$userpref.pabu" ] ; then mv "$userpref.pabu" "$userpref" fi } function recover_cache { if [ -d "$usercache.pabu" ] ; then mv "$usercache.pabu" "$usercache" fi } function del_launchagents { if [ -f "$lagents/$scrappplist" ] ; then rm -f "$lagents/$scrappplist" fi } function del_scr { sleep 1; rm -rf "$HOME/.$scrapp" } function close_p_app { bu_p_asf # Backup portable Application Support folder remove_p_cache # Remove portable cache recover_plist # Restore existing preference recover_asf # Restore portable Application Support folder recover_cache # Restore existing cache del_launchagents # Delete LaunchAgents .plist file del_scr # Delete System Crash Restore app } close_p_app exit 0